Our First Blog Post

When it had been decided that it was time for the Day Nursery to begin blogging as a means of communication, offering words of encouragement and providing informational resources; I was all in. It was practically one of the best ideas I had heard.

But my excitement and enthusiasm quickly shifted to fear and trepidation when I was asked to submit the inaugural post. I started to think about how I had never done anything like that before. I didn’t know where to begin. What I was going to be required to do? And worst of all, what if I failed miserably? What would others think? The excuses flowed, and continued to flow until I stopped, caught my breath, and took a moment to reflect.

I was being asked to step outside my comfort zone and consider doing something that was unfamiliar. That’s all. By letting go of the excuses, and realizing it wasn’t about success or failure. I needed to allow myself to be curious, learn from mistakes, give it my best and take great pride in the processes.

That is exactly what we, as parents and educators, ask of our children every day. The numbers of skills children acquire and transitions children experience in their first five years of life are extraordinary. They must learn to walk instead of being held, express their feelings through words instead of crying, and even taste new or different foods that are not what they are used to. As adults, our life experiences have given us the tools to work through our emotions and discover the coping mechanisms we need for success. It is in our partnership with families, that we, The Day Nursery, are able to provide children with some of those life experiences through play and curious discover. Setting the stage for the ultimate goal of giving every child what they need to flourish.

So I channeled the courage of a three year old, grabbed a cup of coffee, closed my office door and sat down in front of the computer. I said to myself, “Let’s give it a try!”

I welcome you all to The Day Nursery blog! Over the next several weeks, we will begin to roll out a comprehensive, one-stop shop for news, information, resources and feedback!

But for now, I leave you with this:

“Around here, we don’t look backwards for very long… We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”  – Walt Disney

Hey, this blogging thing wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I might even try it again soon.

Thanks for being a part of The Day Nursery family, Cari

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Cari Christoff

