From the Executive Director…

The last several months have been exceedingly difficult. First, Americans experienced various levels of anxiety in the wake of COVID-19. This pandemic has shown a light on the gross inequities that still exist in our country. Communities of color have infection rates 36% higher than among whites; death rates are nearly double.

We have witnessed devasting examples of racism and hate that continues to exist in the hearts of too many Americans. Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd – just three recent examples of Black lives unjustly cut short. Their stories break our hearts and the heart of the country.

While a quality early childhood education cannot solve all the complicated factors that contribute to social injustice, it does go a long way, especially at The Day Nursery.

The Day Nursery celebrates all children and their families, regardless of race, ethnicity, color, orientation, or religious beliefs. It is inherent in The Day Nursery’s DNA. Today, about 70% of Day Nursery children are children of color.

Every day, Day Nursery children embrace each other’s common, shared humanity – rather than focusing on their differences. The ability to accept others for who they are is ingrained in children’s nature. It is up to us, as adults, to foster that and to model that. When I observe our children at play, I believe there is great hope for the future.

But we cannot wait for our children to grow up. All of us need to be mindful of our actions and our thoughts as we relate to others, today and every day – especially those who might be different from us. We all need to lead by example.

As a mother, daily witnessing one of my own family experience inequities as a young man of color, I feel devastated by these events but hopeful for a better future. And as the Executive Director of The Day Nursery, I will remain committed to be a champion for all children, families, staff, and all those within our community. Our society will not fully thrive until all individuals receive equal opportunities to live and prosper within our communities.

Cari Christoff

